This year I did a lot of work! While I didn't post a lot, I was working significantly on my animated short during the Fall semester of this year. That's unfortunately why my uploads have been so sparse. However, the good news is that I completed my short on time! I think from here on forth I plan to iron out a few issues, largely in the sound department and maybe doing some quality control for any mistakes that were made during the production, MAYBE some additional animation if I really want to push it since I was on a deadline.
With that in mind, over the winter break I will be looking at my short again and taking note of any parts that I could fix and improve. Beyond that, however, I do want to move on from my short and just get it out there now that I am done, and figure out what the hell I want to do in regard to whether I should submit the short to film festivals first, or if I should throw all caution to the wind and just post it to Newgrounds regardless of whether I submit this to film fests or not. This is why I have an idea to do a small screening to a few friends I made on here, particularly to the NGFESTS discord group, to note down any issues I can fix and to help allow me to decide where I want to submit this project first. Overall it was a massive labor of love on my part as my first short film, and regrettably, one I wanted to do more with. Next semester I am expected to do a group collaborated film with my class, so that is also something I need to start planning ahead as well.
Another thing on my mind is next semester is also my last semester, and that means graduation. I am expected to move back home with my family and to start getting some life skills out of the way, such as my driver's license being one of my goals. On top of that, I am expecting to do some post-graduation portfolio work as well as getting a temporary job while I take additional online courses to help build my portfolio. I am taking everything a step at a time, but I do want to start getting prepared for working in the future. With the new year being year of the rabbit, I hope that it will be my year to thrive..
Overall, just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays and to a bright New Year ahead!